why is powder flow important for cmc carboxhymethyl cellulose

In term of chemical science, we can analyze what is the powder flow for CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose. The particle of CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose flow under the normal physical conditions. There is some reason which has an impact on this condition. The humidity of the air, the pressure on the powder and the equipment CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose flowing from.Must be careful and obey the MSDS direction for avoid any hazardous situation. Powder flowability was measured using established static techniques and emerging dynamic avalanche behavior measurements. Static techniques did not provide enough resolution to clearly identify changes in flowability due to increasing powder moisture content. Avalanche time and its standard deviation showed that flowability of CMC decreased after a critical moisture content, flowability of corn starch increased and flowability did not significantly change for HPMC. The moisture decreased flowability by forming stronger interparticle liquid bridges and increased flowability by acting as a lubricant. The dynamic density of the celluloses and PVP decreased linearly with increasing moisture content as the particles swelled with water. The starches also swelled and decreased in dynamic density, but only after a moisture content corresponding to monolayer coverage of water around the particles was reached. As flowability and dynamic density change with moisture content, to ensure consistent production of high-quality tablets, the moisture content of the powders must be measured and controlled.