All posts by: Gilsonite-Bitumen

About Gilsonite-Bitumen

Gilsonite metal content Trace Metal Content of Gilsonite® Resin Element Percentage Manganese Copper Zinc Cobalt Nickel Chromium Thallium Barium Selenium Bismuth Antimony Beryllium Mercury Lead Cadmium Arsenic <0.0008% <0.0008% <0.0004% 0.004% 0.004% <0.0008% <0.001% <0.002% <0.04% <0.008% <0.008% <0.0008% 0.004 ppm 0.8 ppm <0.4 ppm <4.0 ppm By XRD and XRF on Gilsonite and GC […]

the use of gilsonite in steel making additives The Use of Gilsonite in Steel Making Additives Gilsonite is an ingredient in several additives used in the production of steel. It is used in Limestone, Lime, Magnesium, and Calcium Carbide additive systems. The function of these additives is to remove impurities such as sulfur, silica, and […]

Gilsonite as a Carbonaceous Foundry Sand Additive Gilsonite as a Carbonaceous Laboratory tests were performed to determine the effect of five commonly used carbonaceous additives on new sand mixes. The additives evaluated were seacoal, pitch, petroleum asphalt, Gilsonite of a “coarse” and “fine” grind, and blown asphalt. The tests comprised evaluating physical properties of new sand mixes […]

Principal applications briquette or gilsonite pellet binder Gilsonite GPA Grade is an excellent binder that will increase the carbon content of metal alloys. PACKAGING Gilsonite GPA Grade is available in 50 lb. and 25 kilo net multi-ply paper bags which may be palletized and stretch wrapped. It is also available in bulk loaded trucks and […]

Gilsonite® Binder Grade Principal Applications Asphalt Modification and Improvement Asphalt Pavement Sealer Explosives Briquette or Pellet Binder Properties Softening Point (ASTM E28-92) Ash (ASTM D271-70 M) Moisture (AGC Method) Penetration (25ºC, 100 gm, 5 sec.) Color in Mass Flash Point (COC) Sulfur Specific Gravity 166-180°C 330-355°F 2.0% Maximum 1.0% Maximum 0 Black 316ºC; 600ºF 0.3% […]

Gilsonite is useful in bitumen mastic sealant becuase Gilsonite is an effective alternate for high cost, end block resins for Kraton Strong bonds broke concrete over 10% to 90% of the bond area Viscosity adjustments are necessary to obtain “gunning” grade consistency Sample Preparation Kraton and the resin were dissolved in warm solvent. Prewetted filler […]

PRODUCT APPLICATION FOR GILSONITE PELLET (BRIQUETTE) Gilsonite pellet will increase the carbon content of metal alloys. PACKAGING Gilsonite pellet is available in 50 lb. and 25 kilo net multi-ply paper bags which may be palletized and stretch wrapped. It is also available in bulk loaded trucks and a variety of bulk bag sizes. HEALTH & SAFETY […]

Claims. (Cl. 260-285) This invention relates to improvements in comminuted particles of thermoplastic compositions containing rubber for incorporation in the bituminousbinders usedin .building roads. melting bitumens), In conventional road building practice, .hot bituminous i binder (asphalt or road tar) is mixedwith’the aggregate at a pug mill and the mix is then transportedto the paving either […]

Gilsonite Resin’s Content of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PNA’s) Or Polycyclical Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s) PNA Concentration in mg/kg (ppm) Selects 300 Grade Alternate Foundry Grade Foundry Grade PNA Type Fluoranthene Benzofluoranthene (b+j+k) Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Benzo(ghi)perylene Total PNA’s 1.08 0.16 1.32 0.06 0.95 3.57 <0.23 0.08 0.64 0.04 0.64 1.63 0.27 0.05 0.93 <0.09 1.06 2.40 TAGS […]